
Michael Jackson Celebrity Doll. Series X. Box 5
12” high 4½” wide
United States
Plastic, mixed medium, and cloth
This doll is a doll created in the appearance of Michael Jackson when he was very popular with main stream media. Michael Jackson is an African- American who came from an African-American family that had great success in the music industry. Michael and his family were popular with people of all races and from all countries. This doll reflects the beginning stages of Michael Jackson’s transition as an African-American pop star to a racially ambiguous super star. The doll has a light brown complexion, European facial features, black wavy hair, and a thin long body frame. The doll wears Michael Jackson signature look of a jacket, short black pants, white socks, black shoes, and shiny gloves. The doll also comes with accessory items that Michael would maybe use while working.
Collectibles, Dolls, African-Americans, Africa, Arts, Culture